Learning Methodology


ANHRE Learning Approach 

ANHRE works as a Learning Hub through its regional office, pool of trainers and expertise and its members to provide a safe, welcoming, enabling and inspiring learning environment.

We rely on our regional network of Learning Partners to provide excellent learning and support service and tools to our learners. We are committed to working in partnership to continually improve the learning experience.

ANHRE piloted and contextualized a plenty of educational programs and toolkits for its member organizations and civil society at large taking into consideration the current status of the Arab region such as the countries under emergencies and conflicts such as Palestine, Yemen and Lebanon. ANHRE has a strong experience in applying innovative approaches for effective advocacy and educational approach.

ANHRE adopted valuable resources for all those interested in the long-term process of building democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. In its work, it outlines approaches and activities that can help engage learners in a process of critical reflection while equipping them and motivating them to take concrete actions to enhance democratic participation.

ANHRE is experienced in better promoting citizen participation and engagement through existing platforms and bodies to facilitate dialogue among civil society organizations, communities, government authorities and the media on issues of concern.

ANHRE relies on its regional network of Learning Partners to provide excellent learning and support service and tools to our learners. We are committed to working in partnership to continually improve the learning experience. ANHRE piloted and contextualized a plenty of educational programs and toolkits for its member organizations and civil society at large taking into consideration the current status of the Arab region such as the countries under emergencies and conflicts such as Palestine, Yemen and Lebanon. ANHRE has a strong experience in applying innovative approaches for effective advocacy and educational approach.

Arab Network for Civic Education is based on the pedagogy of adult education through an educational approach focuses on adults; whether young, women or civil society activists. It effectively engages the target group into the learning process, allow them to explore the importance of human rights by themselves, and develop strategies to practice the values of cooperation, respect for diversity, equality, equity, respect, responsibility and acceptance in their practical lives. This approach is adopted from the beginning to transfer of knowledge.

Transformation Education:

ANHRE seeks to develop the "educational question" within the popular communities; because of the challenge of democratic citizenship presupposes a democratic education in order to keep up with many human rights researchers and experiences which have resulted from them. The most important of these is that there is a global dialogue on the meaning of the goal of "change", including the mainstream discourse which change is towards a better future or a better society.

ANHRE also seeks to re-correct this change as it contains an economic tone and focuses on the human tone and rights to encapsulate the path of change instead of the economic tone, to confirm that the desired change is self-realization, which intersects with the economic improvement, not only exclusive to it.

Anhre's methodology is based on "transformative education" which activities aim to transcend the mere transfer of knowledge and skills to spread awareness about human rights. This educational learning process gradually builds "critical thinking" through experiences of the concerned groups, including visions of change that people want to see within their communities. The group's reliance on their experience makes them more integrated into the educational process and more aware that they have the right to participate in the life of their community and develop their sense of responsibility in order to lead change in their environment.

Transition education also promotes capacity-building and encourages participants to integrate human rights values into their lives and to devise appropriate activities which promote these values.

Professor Jacques Miserou (1978) developed a theory of transformational education so that it is possible to transform individuals through a process of critical thinking that goes through several basic elements:


  • Experience as a starting point:  Everyone share their own experiences 


  • Critical thinking: Participants think of  assumptions  which shap how they understand& interpert their experiences.


  • Use dialog to confirm assumptions:  Participants compare their views with others to determine their validity.

Transformational education in dialogue has a fundamental meaning in education on the question. Dialogue is not attached to the educational process; but,it is the educational basis from which transformational education starts because it allows every person to express in the direction of decision-making.


Basic conditions for promoting transformational education:

Miserou and some subsequent researchers identified some ideal  conditions for promoting critical thinking and transformational education

  •  Ideal learning conditions:
    Learning conditions promote a sense of security, openness, & trust. For example, an      environment in which participants feel safe and secure.
  •  Open and stimulating modes of critical thinking:
    Provides a democratic and open learning mode that follows a logical course, access to all available information and enhances critical thinking
  • Transformational learning based on experience: Learning requires sharing personal experiences.
  • Platform based on the participant:
    This participatory approach deepens the learning process and promotes autonomy, participation and collaboration
  • Feedback and self-assessment:
    Learning conditions that support and encourage feedback are an essential element of a participatory approach.
  • Teamwork:
    The opportunity to identify different cultural backgrounds, the importance of embracing and not avoiding the opposing voices and conflicting ideas, the need to move about new ideas
  • Advantages of the facilitator:
    The facilitator and the facilitator must have confidence in others and genuine empathy, honesty and integrity


Methodology of interaction centered on a particular subject Theme Centered Interaction (TCI) :

It is not necessary that we are the initiators, but to direct the beginning!

Where transformational education begins from the moment participants and participants engage in dialogue about a particular subject

Therefore, in transformative education, dialogue must be a basic one that must be seriously adopted and reflected in all working sessions. This is called the methodology of interaction centered on a particular subject.

It is a working group approach that aims at group learning, helping to create a human environment that makes personal growth an essential element in improving society on a particular issue that serves those involved in the process of change, creating harmony and balance between individual and group, All this, while recognizing the importance of balance to bring about change.


Strengthening the inclusive learning methodology:

ANHRE works in its methodology recognize differences and identities that may play a role in marginalization based on age, culture, language, religion, gender, race, disability or on the basis of social status, economic status or educational level. ANHRE also works Through its programs to develop skills to live in an increasingly diverse world and to promote a critical evaluation of social justice and moral responsibility issues and to take action to address discrimination, inequality and social exclusion that result in marginalized groups having little control over their lives and resources. ANHRE particularly focuses on its methodology to include the rights of the most vulnerable groups to discrimination, exclusion and marginalization, such as persons with disabilities, refugees, displaced persons, women and the poor.


Methodology of    “Overview of Civic Education” :              


When looking at diversity we must develop a comprehensive vision of it, and diversity begins with me as an individual in my respect for my individual needs and my active role in my community. I must recognize my identity and the aspects that connect me and others. At the same time, I must realize the difference between me and others. I must consider my identity, identity and culture equally. But to recognize that my identity depends on the identity of others.


An overview of diversity:

Important things must be balanced(Understanding the context for change)





Achieving change


Identity and culture

Interests, special needs, values and feelings

Recognition of one's responsibility

Develop self-confidence

And awareness



Awareness of needs,

Of values and feelings



Of the identity of the individual

Through identity


Take diversity and difference into account



Check the context of work: structures and implied conditions, differences in power sources, and potential discrimination


Review defaults

Prejudices and dilemmas in conflict situations





Look critically at all aspects


Redefine reality


Explore the settings


Search for alternatives and implement them




To achieve change, community-based initiatives are developed that take participants through various steps, including context exploration, identification of community problems involving human rights violations, targeting specific changes, and then developing an action plan for implementation, monitoring and evaluation to improve or change the current situation, as follows:


Step 1: Explore the context:

Groups will explore human rights situations in their communities and reflect them on the human rights issues they will address.


Step 2: Target specific changes

Groups will identify what they think is appropriate in terms of a particular human rights issue to be addressed and identify the changes necessary to reach the ideal situation.


Step 3: Plan and implement activities

Groups will decide on the actions they will take to promote the desired changes, and a monitoring and evaluation strategy will be developed.


Step 4: Do the work

Groups will conduct business within their communities.


Step 5: Monitor and evaluate activities and process

Groups will monitor project work, operations and results based on the M & E strategy developed.


Step 6: Final Evaluation and Subsequent Steps

Groups will measure changes, document results, and identify subsequent steps.



In all ANHRE’s programs, the following are considered:

  • Use the right-based approach

  • Use participatory approaches and transformational learning to create value awareness based on special experiences and critical thinking

  • Link knowledge to practical action in the target community

  • Gender equality is a cross-cutting theme in all programs

  • Effectively integrate the target population into the learning process, allow them to discover the importance of human rights on their own, and develop strategies to practice the values of cooperation, respect for diversity, equality, inclusion, respect, responsibility and acceptance in their working lives

  • Preparing manuals and training bags for use in work

  • Building on the success of each project to launch another project. For example, the development of the human rights games to accompany the stories heard and called for children

  • The development of the citizenship project has also evolved into the citizen's journalism project and has also evolved to include how to use the international human rights system and the UPR in the implementation of initiatives.

  • Focus on local, national, regional and global dimensions in human rights and defense issues.

  • Training civil society institutions that must transfer training to local target groups.

  • Focus on ownership of the project by participants by engaging them in all stages of the project.

  • Context analysis, critical thinking and a clear-cut goal setting are the basis for working with ways of engaging community, decision-makers and media at all stages.